LMPS Donate to Local Food Bank

This is a HUGE Thank you for your contributions to Poole Foodbank over the harvest period. Your generosity is incredible and we are very grateful for the support that you offer us in caring for our local Poole community.
Sent: 25 October 2018
Subject: THANK YOU!
This is a HUGE Thank you for your contributions to Poole Foodbank over the harvest period. Your generosity is incredible and we are very grateful for the support that you offer us in caring for our local Poole community.
For a number of reasons, demand on Foodbanks is increasing, and the stocks that we now hold will be distributed to those who are genuinely in need over the coming months.
It is true to say that Poole Foodbank would not exist without your practical support - so thank you for partnering with us.
A special Thank you also to those who came and helped us to sort and store food over the past few weeks - again - we could not have done it without you.
Have a happy half term leading up to Christmas!
Poole Food Bank Coordinator