Merlin - YEAR 6
Welcome to Merlin 2023-24
Meet the Team

Class teacher
Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant
Maths Specialist
Victorian evening
Thank you to everyone who attended our Victorian evening on the 25th of November. It was great to share all the fantastic learning, projects and drama the children have been working so hard on.
The costumes were great, you could tell who the rich Victorians were and who were the poor Victorians. Some boys wore jackets and top hats and some girls wore beautiful silk dresses. Other children had coal on their faces and were dressed as chimney sweeps.
Our Victorian Drama Day with the Treehouse Theatre
On the 16th of October, we all came into school dressed in Victorian costumes. We went to the hall and we were split into four different groups. Each group told a different story about Victorian child workers: factory workers, miners, chimney sweeps, domestic servants, pick-pockets and school children. It is almost unbelievable that children as young as four were forced to work in terrible conditions, but many poor parents felt they had to no choice but to send them out to earn money for food. Sometimes children were beaten at the end of the day by managers as they grew tired and couldn’t work fast enough. Other times children were injured and even killed in the factories, mines and chimneys. Fortunately, there were good men and women who fought to change the laws and stop child labour. Lord Shaftesbury was a famous reformer who visited the places children work and wrote reports for Parliament. He helped to change the laws and established schools for poor children. We learnt so much during our drama day but we also had great fun!
Meet the Teacher
Thank you so much to those of you who attended Meet the Teacher. It was so lovely to see so many faces. We have attached the Powerpoint that was shown; if you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, either through the office, or our class email:
Welcome to Year 6!
We are very excited to welcome to start our journey in Year 6! We hope you all had a fabulous summer and that you are excited to be back in school. Some days will be tough; however, we know that we will be able to preserve and have a great year. We will be sharing some of your amazing learning on here :)
E-Safety - When People’s Posts are Getting You Down
Being on social media can be fun, but looking at others' seemingly perfect pics and posts can leave you feeling a bit low. You might even feel like you are constantly comparing your online life to other people’s.
Here’s what Dr Aaron says...
When looking at other people’s pictures, it can be easy to think they’re all doing great, and you’re the only one that worries about how you look or feel. The thing is, everyone feels like that now and then – you just can’t tell that by only looking at their social media.
People tend to put their best selves forward and often hide all their other insecure parts. This can give the rest of us the impression that we’re the only ones who feel this way. It’s just not true!
It’s also super important to remember that social media platforms like Instagram are about image. Many famous people’s feeds are promotional. This means they get paid for making products look good. Photos can also be messed around with. People can be made slimmer, skin can seem smoother, and body parts can get bigger and smaller! So remember, often you could be comparing yourself to something impossible.
Remote Learning - Day 1
Maths- WALT answer short division questions
Y6 Autumn Block 2 TS9 Short division on Vimeo Video link
Please see PDF link for questions and answers
English – WALT answer vocabulary questions
In this lesson we will be reading ‘The dragons are hiding poem’ and answering vocabulary questions.
Please find the poem and questions attached below.
Spelling – WALT use the suffixes –ible and –able
To investigate suffixes: -ible and -able (
History – WALT identify the causes of the First World War
In this lesson, we will be learning about the events leading up to the First World War. This will involve understanding the unification of Germany in the nineteenth century, and taking a look at the MAIN factors which set the conditions for the Great War: militarism, imperialism, alliances and nationalism.
What caused the First World War to break out? (
Remote Learning - Day 2
Maths- WALT find square and cube numbers
Y6 Autumn Block 2 TS6 Square and cube numbers on Vimeo – video link
Questions and answers below
English – WALT read and understand Charles Dickens
Text and questions below
SPaG – WALT answer question
Choose a SPAG activity and complete
French – WALT to describe ourselves
Music – WALT recognise the melody