Nightingale - YEAR 2
Meet The Team!

Class Teacher

Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Welcome to the Nightingale Class page!
Welcome back to school, Nightingales! I hope that you have all had an incredible summer break and are ready for the wonderful learning that we have in store for you this year!
On this page you will find updates on all the different things we are doing in class this year. Here you will find pictures from our lessons/events that we will be taking part in as well as an overview of what we have covered and even some examples of the work the children have completed!
Nightingale's PE Days
This year we have PE on Mondays and Thursdays, and your child will need to wear their PE kit in to school on these days.
Library Books
If your child has finished their ‘Love to Read’ library book, they may bring it in to get it changed. Our library slot in Y2 is Thursday so please ensure your child’s library book is back on/before Thursday. New books cannot be given out until the old one is returned – Please see Mr Holroyd if you have any questions.
Homework will be given out on a Tuesday each week. Your child will receive the following...
1x page of their Maths homework book - we are going in numerical order (week 1 = page 1, week 2 = page 2 etc)
1x Spelling sheet - these will be tested on the following Tuesday
At least 3x a week reading, recorded in their planners.
Thank you.
Autumn Term
So far this term, we have read the story Goldilocks and the 3 Bears (Lauren Child) Whilst completing this work, we have sequenced the story and have thought of many fantastic adjectives that we have used in our writing! We have also planned and written our very own Goldilocks story!
We then moved onto Lila and the Secret of the Rain (David Conway and Jude Daly). During this story, we were describing different settings and thought about characters, both what they look like and what they are like on the inside. The children have even started using expanded noun phrases which we can’t wait to see them using them in other independent writes throughout the year.
We have just moved onto our next story which is called The Clock Tower. It is a beautiful video which has already engaged the children… watch this space!
Since the start of the term, Year 2 have been working with numbers up to 100! We have ordered numbers in both ascending and descending orders. We have found lots of ways to make a number (using bar models, place value counters, base 10 and even in words!) and the children have loved investigating Maths in this way.
This half-term, we are looking at everyday materials and their properties. The children have been superb, learning why we use different materials for different reasons. Ask your child why we shouldn’t use paper for our coats!
Most recently, we have investigated objects that are magnetic and are not – we had lots of fun with this!
This autumn term, we are looking into Christianity and different parables from the Bible.
In Year 2, we have already looked at lots of elements of computing – from logging on and off independently, to using Paint on the laptops.
Recently, we have started to look out how we take photographs and have even played ‘Photograph Bingo’ where we had to move around the year 2 area and take photos of certain objects. I think we have some future photographers in Year 2!
In PSHE, we are continuing our work on the Zones of Regulation. Focussing on how we can manage our emotions effectively and investigate ways in which we can get back to our ‘green’ zone (ready to learn/ calm/ focussed).
In Geography, we are learning about the UK and capital cities. We have looked at each individual country that makes up the UK. Your children even became tour guides for their chosen country where they found interesting facts about them before creating an amazing fact file based on the country.
Other Information
Home learning will start on the week commencing 16th September. It will be given out on Tuesdays, and it should be handed in on the following Monday.
Spelling: Home learning is given on a paper slip and interactive activities can be found on If you encounter any problems, please let Mr Holroyd or the office know ASAP, so we can fix it.
Reading: Your child should be reading at least 3x a week, this should be recorded in their planner.
Maths: Your child will be given 1 piece of Maths homework per week. We also have access to Times Table Rockstars, which the children love! This can be found at Times Tables Rock Stars: Play ( If you need any help with logins, again please let Mr Holroyd or the office know.
If you ever have any questions or would like to share some of the fantastic learning/ experiences your child has outside of school, then please do not hesitate to email the Nightingale class email ( You may also contact the school office (, who will forward your message to the relevant member of staff.
Thank you for all of your continued support,
The Year 2 Team
Remote Learning - Day One
Related Facts - use their knowledge of number bonds within 10 to identify related facts for both addition and subtraction calculations. If children know that 2 + 5 = 7, then they should be able to use this knowledge to state that 20 + 50 = 70.
Complete worksheet attached at the bottom.
VIPERS - Vocabulary
The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.
Read the following sentences from the story and talk to your grown up about what you think the meaning of each of the words in bold.
The sea snail slithered all over the rock.
But the tiny snail sighed and sniffed, then cried, "I've got it! I'll hitch a lift!"
When the tide was high and the stars were bright. A humpback whale, immensely long, who sang to the snail a wonderful song.
These are the waves that arched and crashed, that foamed and frolicked and sprayed and splashed.
Now you have a go at writing each of these words in your own sentences.
Phase 5 tricky words and digraphs
Practice your tricky words and digraphs
Complete Phonics Sheet 1 attached below.
Great Fire of London - Reading comprehension (see attached file)