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Personal, Social, Health, Education (PSHE)

Mrs Gould - PSHE Lead









Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. At Lytchett Matravers Primary School we believe that it’s very important that our pupils get an excellent, broad and well-balanced education that will teach them the necessary skills and prepare them for the future. 

We seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: keeping safe, drug, financial, relationship and sex education (RSE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

We are continuing to use the SCARF scheme of work created by the Coram Life Education. Coram Life Education is the leading provider of health, wellbeing and drugs education.

If you wish to discuss any part of the PSHE Curriculum then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs E Gould via the school office 


Summer Term 2 - PSHE Overview

'The SCARF Life Education at LMPS'

All this week, the pupils have been visiting the SCARF Life Education pop-up classroom to participate in workshops linked to our PSHE curriculum. All the sessions were age appropriate and delivered by a specialist SCARF Educator. The children have all really enjoyed the experience, had fun  and learnt lots too. 

Mrs Gould even got to meet Harold too!!

Spring Term 2 - PSHE Overview

Spring Term 1 2024 - PSHE Overview


Dogs Trust visits LMPS - November 2023

This week Vicki Butler from the Dogs Trust has been in school delivering workshops to the children about 'How to stay safe around dogs'. With lots on the news recently about horrifying attacks on people by dogs, we thought this would be a great workshop to help our children know how to keep themselves safe. Vicki introduced herself and the work of the Dogs Trust in a whole school assembly on Tuesday. Then she worked in each class delivering age-appropriate workshops to our children. Each workshop had a different learning focus: 

Year 1 and 2 had ‘Happy Dog Rules’ – 5 rules about keeping themselves safe and happy and their dog too.

Year 3 had ‘Safety and Senses’ – learning about how a dog uses their senses and what that means about how we need to behave around them.

Year 4 had ‘How to behave safely around dogs’ – thinking about 4 scenarios involving dogs and what the child’s safe and kind behaviour would be.

Year 5 and 6 had ‘Dog Detectives’ – thinking about 6 suspects in scenarios where a child had been hurt by a dog and who was responsible.

All the children and staff really enjoyed the workshops, and we all learnt something new. 



Autumn Term 2 2023 PSHE Overview

October 2023

You may have read or seen in the media that the Secretary of Education wrote to all schools stating that all schools should share all curriculum materials with parents that they use to teach their children about relationships, sex and health education. We want to reassure all parents that they have full access to these materials if they wish to view them.  We teach RSE within our PSHE lessons using age-appropriate resources. Parents can find information about the whole PSHE curriculum on the school website. If you want to discuss any part of the curriculum further or view any of the materials used, please contact Mrs Gould (PSHE Lead) via the office. 


Autumn Term 1 2023 PSHE Overview


'Healthy Me' week June 2023

'Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds'

Healthy Me has been a fantastic week, pupils and children have all enjoyed getting active and focusing on their physical and mental well-being. I would like to thank all the volunteers who gave up their time to come and work with our pupils, your time and support is greatly appreciated. I also want to say thank you to the school staff who have worked tirelessly to create exciting lessons for their classes and make this week such a success. 

Thank you 


Day 4 Friday 9th June 

The final day of Healthy Me week and all the children still have bags of energy. KS1 had an assembly with the AFC Bournemouth Community team and then Years 1 and 2 worked with them on their multi- skills and fitness. Year 3 and 5 had very energetic sessions learning the skills and playing handball whilst Year 2 practised and refined their football skills. Year 4 had a 'Germ Busting Workshop' where they learnt about germs and where they can hide. They got dressed up in PPE and learnt how to wash their hands correctly. They even got to see how effective their hand- washing was using an ultra violet light.  The Year 4's were very lucky to be given a Germ Busting goodie bag to go home with. 

Day 3 Thursday 8th June

There has been a buzz of physical activity around school today. Year 1 and Reception have been very busy, they woke themselves up first thing with a Martial Arts taster session and then in the afternoon they all had a go at Tri Golf. All the children enjoyed the sessions even is it was a little bit warm in the sunshine. There has been a lovely smell of baking drifting through the corridors of the school as Year 4 were baking their healthy banana and chocolate chip muffins, it was great to see the kitchen in use and all the children using their reading, measuring and cooperation skills to follow the recipes with the help of Mrs Hukin. In Year 5 the children had a basic first aid emergency which started off looking at the bad things that we can choose to put in our bodies and the effects these can have. They also learnt how to respond in an emergency, how to put someone in the recovery position and what is involved with CPR. Year 5 also learn about the benefits of working outside in the fresh air and did some gardening (with plants kindly donated by B & Q Poole). They took these home to say 'Thank you' to someone special in their lives, as we also know that helping others and making others smile is beneficial for our own well-being.  

Day 2 Wednesday 7th June

We have had another action packed day for our Healthy Me. KS2 had an assembly with AFC Bournemouth Community Group about healthy lifestyles and the positive impacts of exercise. Then Year 4 and 6 did multi skills sessions with the AFC team.  Reception and Year 2 took part in the multi-skills class competition with Mr Noyce, looking to earn a Golden Ticket (for their teacher) and Non-Uniform token (for the class)! All classes will being competing in the competition throughout this week. Year 3 and 6 did a Yoga session with Mrs Creswell (Yogadreads) and Mrs Moreton talked to the Year 5 children about Allergies. 

Even the staff are getting involved! Their staff meeting was a team building session, which included a 'friendly' game of rounders where there was some superb athleticism and skill on show. Then they were treated with a surprise visit from the ice cream van. 










Day 1 Tuesday 6th June

We have had a great start to our Healthy Me week. Reception had a visit from a local GP to talk to them about going to the Doctors and how handwashing is important to keep us healthy. Years 2, 4 and 6 had a Martial Arts taster session. Year 1 meet the Pony therapy ponies Dizzy and Bella. Year 5, 4 and 3 went through the caving tunnels. We also had a special delivery from TESCO Fleetsbridge who donated a selection of fruit to promote eating healthy. 





Summer 2 PSHE Curriculum

During this term, as part of the PSHE Curriculum, the children (Year 1 – Year 6) will be introduced to our Relationship Sex Education (RSE) programme. The lessons are part of the ’Growing and Changing’ theme in the SCARF scheme of work that our school follows.  

All the lessons and materials used are age appropriate and ensure clear progression as the children move up through the school. The lessons will be delivered by the class teacher as part of their normal weekly PSHE lessons.

If you have any questions about the RSE curriculum please contact me via the school office.

Summer Term 1 PSHE Curriculum

During PSHE lessons this half-term the teachers will be covering...



Last week, all pupils had workshops delivered by Coram Life Education. The workshops covered many areas of the PSHE curriculum in a fun, interactive and informative way. All the children thoroughly enjoyed the workshops, listened attentively and asked sensible questions. The children were also very excited and pleased to meet Harold the giraffe.

Spring Term 2 PSHE Curriculum 

During this half-term in PSHE lessons teachers will be covering...


On Monday 16th January 2023 Emma Norton from the Dorset Police Road Safety team came into school, to speak to all of our children. The children all took part in an age appropriate assembly with Emma. The aim of the assemblies were to ensure our children understand about road safety and how to keep themselves safe. At LMPS we believe it is important to get outside agencies into school to deliver these safety messages and vital life skills alongside our own PSHE curriculum.

Emma spoke to children about some of the dangers of the road, how to cross roads safely, signs and obstacles that they might come across when using the roads. They all learnt the ‘Green Cross Code’ and where they should cross the road safely.

The children really enjoyed the assemblies, they listened attentively and asked very sensible questions.


Spring Term 1 PSHE Curriculum 

During this half-term in PSHE lessons teachers will be covering...


On Friday 18th November Lytchett Matravers Primary School supported Children in Need. All the children and staff came into school dressed ‘Spotacularly!’. As always everyone was very generous and we managed to raise £412.07 (£12 was kindly donated by Pre School).

Thank you to everyone for helping us support such a worthy cause.


On Monday 14th November all the children and staff at LMPS supported 'Odd Sock Day' as a launch to Anti-Bullying Week. Everyone came into school wearing odd socks, bright wacky and colourful! 

Odd Sock Day is all about understanding and knowing that everyone is different and everyone is equal. It celebrates that we are all unique and special. Wearing odd socks is encouraging everyone to be themselves. We know that sometimes people can be bullied for being different. We are teaching our children that we must understand and respect that everyone has the right to be different. 

The theme for this year's anti-bullying week is ‘REACH OUT’. This means that it is important to reach out and ask for help or tell someone if you are unhappy, sad or worried about something.

At LMPS we are making sure that our pupils know who they can go turn if they are hurt, unhappy or worried about anything, there will always be someone for them to talk too. 

Throughout, Anti-Bullying week every class will be doing work and activities to raise awareness of what bullying is and how we can stamp it out in our school. 

For more information about 'Odd Sock Day' or 'Anti-Bullying week' visit the website


Autumn Term 2 PSHE Curriculum

During this half-term the teachers will be covering in their PSHE lessons…



Summer Term 2 PSHE Curriculum

During this summer term, as part of the PSHE Curriculum, the children will be introduced to our Relationship Sex Education (RSE) programme. The lessons are part of the ’Growing and Changing’ theme in the SCARF scheme of work that our school follows. 

All the lessons and materials used are age appropriate and ensure clear progression as the children move up through the school. The lessons will be delivered by the class teacher as part of their normal weekly PSHE lessons.

If you wish to discuss any part of the RSE curriculum please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Gould via the school office.



Summer Term 1 PSHE Curriculum

This term the theme is 'Being My Best' and the teachers will be teaching...

RSE Parent Consultation Feb/March 2022 

Thank you to the parents that took the time to read the RSE consultation documents and complete the questionnaire. The general feedback was very positive about the content and delivery of our RSE curriculum. There was also some very complimentary comments about our wider PSHE curriculum.

In response to one comment ‘it would be great if we knew what the PSHE lessons were about so that we are prepared to discuss subjects that our children may want to talk about at home’. Each half-term I will be sending out a newsletter of the PSHE being covered for that half-term. This will give parents and carers an overview of that unit’s content.

For this half-term the teachers will be covering…


LMPS went crazy for Comic Relief!

Everyone was invited to come into school in non-uniform with crazy hair, hats or wigs to raise money for Comic Relief 2022. There were lots of wacky hairstyles, fun wigs and hilarious hats on show, and we all had a fun Friday. Even the teachers got involved with some crazy headgear on show and the children voted on their favourite. Mrs Hancock won in a landslide victory.

Thank you to everyone who got involved and donated to such a worthy cause. Funny is power, and we all have the power to make a difference.



Children in Need

The children and staff had a great day coming into school dressed in ‘Something Fun!’ – there were outrageous outfits, colourful combinations and spots galore. The Student Voice would like to thank everyone for supporting this worthy cause and helping the school raise an amazing £423.44. We are always so proud of our school and community that come together to support others even in these difficult times.

Odd Sock Day

Odd Sock Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying week and this year it was on Monday 15th November.  This year the theme behind the Anti-Bullying week is ‘One Kind Word’

As always staff and children at LMPS got involved and wore odd socks to school.

The idea behind Odd Sock day is to celebrate that ‘everyone is different’ and it’s good to be unique. It’s also a fun and exciting way to start Anti-Bullying week 2021.

There were lots of fun activities going on around school too. We had an Odd Sock treasure hunt for KS1 and in KS2 they did an orienteering course looking for the missing Odd Socks. Year 5 focused on the idea of ‘One Kind Word’ and created a ‘Kind Word Chain’ – all the children loved seeing all the kind words their peers wrote about them. Year 2 wrote some fantastic poems about Anti-Bullying and they look amazing displayed in the windows of their classrooms. Reception have designed and painted their own odd socks which look so bright and colourful hung up in their classroom.

We all agree that this is a great way to promote the Anti-Bullying message at LMPS.